Jumping On The Lard Bus

This is my diet blog, to help keep me on track, or on the lard loss bus anyway!

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Location: United Kingdom

This is just an ordinary blog about an ordinary person, someone who doesnt know what she wants to be when she grows up. Who changes her mind all the time. I am trying to find a balance in life. I am beginning once again on the road of life, this time armed with a 125cc Jinlun. A motorbike. Lets see where she takes me.

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

i have seven minutes till i have to lock the office and do night check so i will write what i can. I am currently very ill. flu or something. damn i had gone the whole winterwith just the one cold. bugger. ah well the fresh air helps. tis better thatn being in a office.

the days here are very long. up at seven and we only finish work at 3:30 at the earliest.
i have yet to ride beacuse the horsy i like is still lame from being geleded.
i work with one gelding and 2 stallions. ones a breeding stallion and the other is a show horse. he and i are still trying to come to terms with the fatc that i am supposed to be the boss.

i couldnt bring myscale. no room. but there is one here and it says i am 85kilos. so thats down from the 90. but i allow for fluctuatiosn in the scales. though i look smaller in the mirror. eating hasnt been in check or anything but it hasnt been out there either. we all eat dinner togetehr and take tunrs in cooking. lunch and breakie we sort our selves out. have been taking great joy in 'feeding myself' lol.

so it is fun. i have been tired. and now i am sick. we get to use the office internet after work but genrally have to wait till after dinner by when im knakered. we have monday off.

will post sooner that i have been.

have done no excersise wxcept owrk because i fell last friday and damaged my ankle. motion is fine. the sacry swollen bruising is worrying. ah well
night check. cheers all


Blogger MorseyRuns said...

Hope the nasty flu thing goes away soon- and the nasty ankle! Your new work sounds like fun- though hard work. Can't expect you to run after you have been bossing horses around day. Take care- and get well.

12:15 AM  
Blogger Spark Driver said...

85 kilos hey? Even though it is a different set of scales I would take it as a loss.

Even with the cold it sounds like you are enjoying yourself. Keep it up!

3:45 AM  

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