Jumping On The Lard Bus

This is my diet blog, to help keep me on track, or on the lard loss bus anyway!

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Location: United Kingdom

This is just an ordinary blog about an ordinary person, someone who doesnt know what she wants to be when she grows up. Who changes her mind all the time. I am trying to find a balance in life. I am beginning once again on the road of life, this time armed with a 125cc Jinlun. A motorbike. Lets see where she takes me.

Monday, November 20, 2006

this post may sound cruel, but i am seriously angry. My boss is overweight, more so than i was when i started. The other day she said 'i would have asked you how you have managed to loose the weight, but you have bee sick so it doesnt matter'. SORRY? i was ill for a week!!!! i have been 'dieting' and exercising like mad and eating healthily for 6 weeks. Thats how i have lost weight. By putting some bloody effort in... she sitts theer and has greasy breakfasts, crisps, chcolate, greasy lunches and complains that she needs to loose weight...well DUH. she also should get some excersie.

I am not even following a particular diet i have just cut out as much refined and processed foods including bread, sweets and crisips. make sure i eat my five a day and get some excercise. i have worked hard at it...thats how i am bloody doing it.

so yes i am angry, angry that she sits there and stuffs her face but complains how fat she is (i never did as i knew that the only reason i was fat was because i made myslef that way!) no one else is to blame... the fat fairies did nto come over and wave a wand and make me fat... in the same way that i am making myslef thinner... there is no magic wand no illness just plain sweat and sometimes tears.

on a happier note i had an excellent saturday where i went horse riding and got to try out icelandics and learn how to tolt. then we went bowling...which was also fun. am stiff today, but yoga tomorrow will help.

it must just be a case of puttting your head down and getting on with it.

*a journey of a thousand miles begines with a single step... and the subsequent putting o one foot in front of the other and just keep going

*'some one once said to me 'why do you insist on taking the hard road?' and so i said 'what makes you assume i see two road?''

i hope you all had a wonderful weekend. xxx


Blogger Spark Driver said...

A healthy diet is the hardest thing I have ever done and still struggle to keep to it.

It is easier to not care what you stuff in your face and maybe your boss is just lazy?

Think what you like about Oprah Winfrey but she once said "If it was easy I would have done it already."

A great quote that we can all live by I think.

p.s I think you have seen and expercienced more of Australia than I have. And I bloody well live here!!! lol.

1:57 PM  

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